Saturday, June 14, 2014

SCP File #1: SCP-049, "Plague Doctor"

Item #: SCP-049
Object Class: Euclid
SCP-049, revealing very human-like eyes.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is to be contained in a secure holding cell in Research Sector-██. SCP-049 is not to be removed from its cell unless approved by a Level Two or higher personnel, before which SCP-04z must be heavily sedated. Even so, at such times SCP-049 is to be accompanied by two (2) armed guards and guided by an iron collar, secured to two (2) iron poles 2 m in length, and held firmly by two (2) Level One or higher personnel while in transit. Any experiments performed on SCP-049 are to be conducted inside of specifically prepared rooms (see document 042-D-3-18).
SCP-049’s cell should be monitored at all times via a security camera. Should any abnormal behavior occur, Doctor ████ is to be alerted at once.
Description: SCP-049 is humanoid in appearance, standing at 1.9 m tall and weighing 95.3 kg; however, the Foundation is currently incapable of studying its face and body more fully, as it is covered in what appears to be the garb of the traditional “Plague Doctor” from 15-16th century Europe. This material is actually a part of SCP-049’s body, as microscopic and genetic testing show it to be similar in structure to muscle, although it feels much like rough leather, and the mask much like ceramic. It was originally discovered in ██████, England, by local police. The resulting explosion caught the attention of Agent ████ ███████, who was able to [DATA EXPUNGED] and sedate it. SCP-049 does not speak, although it seems to understand English perfectly well, and seems completely docile until it tries to perform surgery.
SCP-049’s touch is invariably lethal to humans. After contact with SCP-049’s hand(s), the victim (hereafter referred to as SCP-049-2) suffers [DATA EXPUNGED] and dies within moments. SCP-049 will then attempt to kill all humans it can see in a similar manner, supposedly to avoid interruption, before returning to SCP-049-2. It produces a bag made of [DATA EXPUNGED] containing scalpels, needle, thread, and several vials of an as-yet-unidentified substance, from somewhere within its body (research has been unable to locate these tools when inside of SCP-049 through X-ray and similar techniques) and begins dissecting SCP-049-2, as well as inserting various chemicals into the body. After approximately 20 minutes, SCP-049 will sew SCP-049-2 back up and become docile once more.
After a period of a few minutes, SCP-049-2 will resume vital signs and appears to reanimate. However, SCP-049-2 seems completely without higher brain functions, and will wander aimlessly until it encounters another living human. At that point, SCP-049-2's adrenaline and endorphin levels increase to approximately three-hundred(300) percent as it attempts to kill and ██████ any human beings it can find, before returning to its mindless state and wandering until it comes across more humans. At this stage, termination with extreme prejudice is allowed. Failure to enforce this protocol outside of testing scenarios (see addendum T-049-12) is punishable by termination.
Detailed autopsies of SCP-049-2 have found several unusual substances (along with usual substances in large amounts) within the bodies, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, several have yet to be identified (researchers with level 3 or higher authorization, refer to Addendum C-1).
Addendum A-1: SCP-049 spoke for the first time today, 12-6-20██, addressing Dr. ████. A full account of the conversation is attached.
''Interviewed:''' SCP-049
Interviewer: Doctor ███████ ████
Foreword: SCP-049 randomly began speaking with no obvious provocation en route to a testing facility. Doctor ████ was recording notes at the time on a handheld microphone. Irrelevant data has been omitted.
SCP-049: “What is this place?”
Dr. ████: “What? It’s a labo…” [There is a loud crash here, from Doctor ████ dropping the recording device in shock.]
SCP-049: “A laboratory? It is quite marvelous. I now find it no wonder I’ve seen so few victims of the disease in here.”
Dr. ████: “Y…eah. You see, I'd thought you incapable of speech. I’m somewhat startled you, um, can.”
SCP-049: “Oh, my, yes, good sir. I simply prefer not to. Most victims of the disease are quite melancholy and do not react at all well to conversation. I have seen you several times now, and have not detected the disease in you, therefore I assume you are also a doctor?”
Dr. ████: “Yes, actually. Call me [REDACTED]… but, what ‘disease’ are you talking about?”
SCP-049: “Why, good doctor, the Great Pestilence. What else?”
Dr. ████: “Great pesti… Oh, the Plague. Should have seen that coming. But, no one here is infected, I can assure you.”
SCP-049: “Oh, good doctor, I can assure you, the Pestilence is here, and I can sense it. It is my duty in life to rid the world of it. My cure is most effective.”
Dr. ████: “Your cure? Your cure has cost us hundreds of lives! Your cure is faulty!
SCP-049: “Good doctor, my cure is most effective.”

[SCP-049 lapsed once again into silence, and no further attempts to make it speak were effective.]
Closing Statement: “We managed to get our tests done for that day, trying to figure out what causes it to perform surgery, or, more accurately, what it detects as the 'Pestilence’. So far, research has shown us no correlation between any of the D-class personnel it has performed surgery on. We’re still working on it."
Dr. ████
Addendum C-1: Level 3 authorization required: Among the substances within SCP-042-2's 'medical bag', an unknown ████████ has been discovered. Further testing is required, but Dr. ████ believes it to be some manner of █████████████ ██████ based upon [DATA EXPUNGED].
20-50 minutes from first exposure: A 'sense of extreme apprehension' comes over the subjects.
1-3 hours from first exposure: [DATA EXPUNGED]
3-7 hours from first exposure: [DATA EXPUNGED] All subjects describe the experience as "incredibly painful".
10-12 hours from first exposure: [DATA EXPUNGED]
12-24 hours from first exposure:[DATA EXPUNGED]
Of all ██ original subjects, only D-24436 has survived and is currently being housed in ████████ ██████ ██.

Notes: The Only reason this and other "mainstream"(or as mainstream you can get in a secretive orgnisashon thats doing a so delicate and secret that, if intropted, could cas the end of the human civisason/world/universe/reality, so it hides behind cover like a soap producer, works beyond the law, and erases the memory) SCP objects is because my team is currently researching/testing with this entity/object. gha... i cant sleep...or "Log"(which i'm still wondering about. why the heck am i doing this in the first place? why not gust write in a word document?) because I'm to bloody(AND NO I'M NOT BRITISH, I GUST USE THAT EXPRESSION) tired. expect some test logs or something.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

DSE-003: SCP Object Classes

Well here it is. by the way, personnel that are probably slacking off and not reading this blog or person how just found this accidentally, i have noticed most of the objects that i have access to really need reclassification(the most common example is something that really should be a Keter, classified as something else). The following is taken from The SCP foundation website page: “SCP Object Classes”

“The designation "Safe" is assigned to subjects or objects that may be effectively and reliably contained. Safe designates may have individual containment procedures, but these procedures are not expected to fail frequently, or be subject to later revision as more information is obtained about a subject.
Some Safe designates are human, humanoid, and/or sentient. To prevent injury and/or death to personnel and SCPs, interaction with such designates should be professional and courteous, taking into account special containment procedures.
It should be noted that Safe does not indicate that the containment procedures are unnecessary. Many Safe-designated objects can be quite dangerous in the right contexts. The important distinction that defines a Safe object is that it can be handled safely with appropriate containment procedures. An example of a Safe object would be a gun, a nuclear weapon, or polonium.”

“An SCP object is classified as Euclid when its behavior cannot be unerringly predicted, either because the item is sentient, it behaves outside of current scientific knowledge, or its nature is simply poorly understood at present. Euclid-class objects do not pose the same existential threat to humanity due to containment breach that Keter-class objects do, but they still generally require more diligence to keep contained than Safe-class objects.
Although many Euclid-class objects could be used for the benefit of the Foundation or of humanity, they may have unforeseen ramifications after their use due to their unpredictable nature. Some Euclid-class SCPs are eventually understood well enough to be reclassified as Safe, but most remain inscrutable even to the most rigorous of experimentation.”

“The designation "Keter" is assigned to subjects that both (a) display vigorous, active hostility to human life, civilization, and/or spacetime, and (b) are capable of causing significant destruction in the event of a containment breach. Such subjects must be cataloged, contained according to special containment procedures, and destroyed, if possible.
Merely being inimical to human life is not in itself cause for classification as a Keter-level object. A Keter classification indicates that not only is this subject capable of inflicting devastating harm to human life and civilization, but that containment protocols must be extensive, involved, and precisely followed in order to prevent it from doing so. Research into the neutralization of Keter-class SCPs is always a top priority for the Foundation.
Cases where Keter-class objects that can be neutralized by Foundation personnel persist in Foundation custody are rare, and are grouped into three main categories. In addition to cases where destruction of the object continues to be unfeasible due to apparent invulnerability or similar circumstance, there are some Keter-class objects with significant tactical value for the Foundation, as well as Keter-class objects that threaten more harm to humanity from their neutralization than from their continued existence.
The Foundation has harnessed some Keter-class SCPs, but such situations are rare exceptions: for example, SCP-076-2 only agreed to work with the Foundation due to its unusual relationship with Agent [REDACTED] and its ability to communicate with us, and even that didn't last. The majority of Keter-class SCPs are insentient, and most are inanimate objects. This status may change as research and discovery continues.
"Keter" means "crown" in Hebrew and is the uppermost level of the Sephirot in Jewish Kabbalah.”

Well thats it. now with that out of the way, now i can start putting up real files now. those files, by the way, mostly aren't SCPs, but anomalies that are currently under observation, and in the near future, might be reclassified as SCPs.

~Doctor Shadow

DSE-002: What is The Foundation?

First off, just before you ask, DSE means Doctor Shadow's Entry. also, if you don’t know, here is a description:

“The Foundation

Clandestine and worldwide, The SCP Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major world government with the task of containing 'items which jeopardize normalcy.'
Many of these 'items' pose both a physical danger to people and a psychological mistrust in worldly affairs, their personal beliefs, and an interruption to daily life.
  • exempli gratia - the average individual might be quite troubled by the existence of SCP-126, believing there could be many like her present at any time.
  • exempli gratia - daunted by the fact that mankind is threatened by SCP-008 or SCP-058
  • exempli gratia - the likelihood that many people would submit to or even worship subjects such as SCP-076 or SCP-882
~Taken from “About The SCP Foundation”

well that's it for now, what, if you idiots don’t know The SCP foundation, you don't know what the Objects/Object class’s. expect this in the next post-thing.

~Doctor Shadow

DSE-001: An Introduction to the Blog

Note: Level 3 access required
Hello. i am Doctor H. Wills, otherwise known as Doctor Shadow. i work for the SCP foundation. if you don’t know what that is, its basically an organization dedicated to protecting Humankind ( in say Humankind becase Mankind is sextist in my apinoun, but i’m probably not allowed to state my opinion). the higher ups are making me start/manage/host this blog because, how should i put this, numerous incidents within the foundation of files being lost. for some reason, the foundation wants to stay mostly on paper, which is why the foundation’s website (link here) is unpopular among foundation staff. “But doctor!” you say, “there must be a galilean personal in the foundation!” ? well you're right, but only about only 178 of them have ever work on the site. not to populaire now that you compare that little number to the hundreds of men and women that work and die for the foundation. well anyway, i have orders to put up transcriptase of file of objects i work on. expect files in the future.

~Doctor Shadow